


Marg Prod Photo Rjz 9739

Lyceum Theatre’s production of Escape to Margaritaville is a tropical rom-com romp of a musical. Featuring the tunes of quintessential beach bum Jimmy Buffett, audience members are sure to be tapping their toes. Flip-flops and board shorts optional.

John S. Sappington

John S. Sappington was born in Havre de Grace, Maryland on this date in 1776.

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If you appreciate history, architecture, preservation, and restoration, you won’t want to miss a special guided tour of two of the grandest houses in mid-Missouri. Both of these significant historical structures were brought back to life. Where are they?

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Find out why the state’s first historic site is worth the trip. In our series on state parks, we will take you all around the state. Each park has unique features and many amenities. Grab your family, friends, and loved ones, and get out and explore.


During this brand new, one-mile walking tour through a village, our editor will share ghost stories and other rarely-told tales from the town’s turbulent history. 

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On this date in Missouri history, the State Park Fund is created to develop Missouri state parks.

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The old tavern at Arrow Rock was purchased on this date as the first step in saving the town’s jewels of American history.

Santa Fe Trailhead Monument New Franklin

In 1821, Missouri attained statehood, and Mexico won its independence from Spain. Once restrictive Spanish control came to an end, the Mexican markets opened wide to the Americans. Those two colossal events set the stage for a dramatic unfolding era.


Catalpa in Arrow Rock transforms during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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FOUNDED IN 1829, the village of Arrow Rock was situated for success atop a bluff at the intersection of the Missouri River and Santa Fe Trail. The town grew quickly, flourishing as a center for trade, commerce, and politics. The shifting course of the river was one of many economic blows that had landed on …

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In early America, taverns were as ubiquitous as churches; every town had at least one. In Arrow Rock, that tavern was owned by a man named Joseph Huston. A founding father of the town, he arrived in Missouri in 1819, and helped transform the settlement into a thriving village where the Missouri River and the Santa Fe Trail intersected.

The workers at entrepreneur Daniel Kuhn’s lumber mill harnessed steam power in 1907. Steam power allowed mills to operate anywhere, not just near water, and this operation was located next to the J. Huston Tavern in the heart of Arrow Rock.

The National Historic Landmark Village of Arrow Rock Embraces its Diverse Past.


Missouri is defined by its small towns as much as anything else. Between our state’s two great metropolises lies our state’s heart—where tiny towns populate great plains and small communities dot the rugged landscape of the Ozark hollows. Some sit high above the Missouri on great river bluffs; some are tucked away in the woods. 

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Missouri’s general stores of yore offered shoppers everything they needed—and a lot of what they wanted—along with a generous side serving of local news, gossip, and a few tall tales.