This Is One Fun Ride!

Jump in the car or fire up your motorcycle for a really fun ride. Grab a burger or some Texas-style BBQ. Find out why Missouri is called the Cave State. And end the day at a bed-and-breakfast or a hotel to rest up for the ride home.

Fire Up with a Firecracker Burger

Firecrackers might be for celebrations, but this burger is a celebration all its own! Think spicy, tropical, and fresh all on a bun. Fire up the grill, grab your family and friends and get your celebration going.

Burgers’ Smokehouse Has Meats and Gifts For Every Meal & Every Taste

California, MO, located just west of Jefferson City, MO on Highway 50, is home to Burgers’ Smokehouse, a family owned and operated manufacturer of country ham, bacon and other specialty smoked and cured meats and foods.

Meet the Missouri Veteran Who Makes Gold-Medal Burgers

When Sedalia resident Terry Shull won the 2017 Missouri State Fair Burger Contest, he did it his way. With 17 years of cooking under his belt, Terry has learned to experiment and try new recipes.