


God Heaven Marek Piwnicki 7x10pjsp65c Unsplash

Born in Lebanon, Adam Sharp presented himself as a “traveling evangelist.” He was never very successful though, and in 1908 was living in Kansas City on a houseboat with less than 30 followers.  The group, which included several children, was out proselytizing in Kansas City when a police officer asked why the children were not …

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November 16 St. Louis Robbery With Getaway Car Via Pexels

Missouri History Today November 16, 1905: St. Louis’s First Getaway Car Heist

Passport Convertkit Htqzns Rx7w Unsplash

At the time of the horrific London murders, Francis Tumblety was suspected of being Jack the Ripper. He was arrested Nov. 7, 1888 on unrelated charges and released on bail.  Knowing he was considered a suspect, Tumblety fled back to the U.S. Rumor had it, Scotland Yard tried to extradite him, but police determined “there …

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