December 23, 1929 is the Birthday of Dick Weber
December 23, 1929, is the birthday of bowling legend Dick Weber. Weber moved to Florissant in 1955 when St. Louis was the epicenter of bowling competitions, and he joined the famous Budweiser bowling team. Along with Don Carter, Weber was a star in a city of sports stars in the late ’50s and early ’60s. He won Bowler of the Year honors in 1961, 1963, and 1965 while also racking up 26 Pro Bowling Association tournament titles, as bowling became a widely watched spectator sport in person and on television.
March 12, 1958
The Budweiser team of Pat Patterson, Ray Bluth, Don Carter, Tom Hennessey, and Dick Weber rolled the greatest series in bowling history, a record that stood for 35 years. On lanes seven and eight at Floriss Lanes (Warne at W. Florissant), they finished with a three-game total of 3,858 pins.