


September 10 Westminster Hall Columns Via Librray Of Congress Credit Patrick Alt

Missouri History Today September 10, 1909: Fire Ravages Westminster Hall, Leaves Columns


At the Grrridiron Girls Camp at William Woods University, boys and girls have the opportunity to learn flag football fundamentals. Grrridiron Girls founder and football trailblazer Dr. Jen Welter says the program’s aim is to help kids build confidence.

Andrew Ridley Mushrooms

There are thousands of mushrooms waiting to be found in Missouri.


The city of Fulton was incorporated on this date in Missouri history.

Baxter Watson Churchill And Truman Photo 1

Winston Churchill gives his “Iron Curtain” speech at Westminster College in Fulton. Churchill used the phrase “Iron Curtain” to define the division between Western nations and Soviet powers.

September 10 Westminster Hall Columns Via Librray Of Congress Credit Patrick Alt

Missouri History Today September 10, 1909: Fire Ravages Westminster Hall, Leaves Columns

Dec 19

On December 19, 1984, the Callaway Nuclear Power Plant went into operation. Missouri’s first and only nuclear power plant had been debated for years before ground was broken in September of 1975. Even after the facility got the necessary approval following the federal government’s evaluation process, it was nearly a decade before it began operating near Fulton in Callaway County.

Helen Stephens with Jesse Owens

On this day Helen Stephens, “The Fulton Flash” dominated the competition and got the gold at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin.

Westminster Hall on Westminster College Campus Fulton

Westminster College chartered in Fulton on this date in Missouri history.

Wheeler Hall

The Missouri School for the Deaf was established in Fulton.

Company Paperie 004

Today, gifts and stationery created by this Fulton-based company appear on the shelves of fine boutiques nationwide and at major retailers including Anthropologie and Paper Source.


Winston Churchill delivered the famous “Iron Curtain” speech at Westminster College in Fulton.