March 20, 1811

Birthday of "The Missouri Artist," George Caleb Bingham.

Beaver working on its dam

Shining Times: Missouri’s Fur Trade Story

Fur played a vital role in the early Anglo settlements. It was animal pelts, not tobacco, that the early Virginia colonists first exported. The North American fur trade had a tremendous impact on exploration, colonization, and international politics.

July 7, 1879

Missouri lost a great treasure on this day. Artist George Caleb Bingham died in Kansas City.

General Order No. 11 George Caleb Bingham

August 25, 1863

Artist, George Caleb Bingham painted, Order No. 11. showing what General Ewing was doing with Order No. 11. Ewing destroyed the painting with his sword and Bingham quickly painted another. The result was that Ewing's career was seriously damaged and he became one of the most hated men in the war.