Missouri History Today December 17, 1993: B-2 Spirit Bomber Arrives At Whiteman

Missouri History Today December 17, 1993: B-2 Spirit Bomber Arrives At Whiteman

Discover Central Missouri’s Hidden Gems

We searched every corner of Missouri for hidden gems and thanks to our Missouri Life Ambassadors, we found one in each county: 114 of them! Here we explore places in central Missouri that you’ll want to add to your destination wish list.

Sunlight image of the old silo Gary Rhoades owns on his property in rural Johnson County, Missouri

Missouri silo mysteries, sounds, and sights

An old roofless silo stands in the south field of my Missouri hay farm. While the exact circumstances are a mystery, neighbors say the silo lost its roof over forty years ago. Nothing is left of it now except for the bare ends of rebar exposed on top.

A Warrensburg Gem

Step backward in time at the McClure Archives and University Museum in Warrensburg.