


Jesse James wanted poster

Jesse James pulled off one of his first known bank robberies on this date in Missouri History.

"Liberty Jail" by C.C.A. Christensen. Joseph Smith at Liberty Jail

Joseph Smith wrote the first part of his two-part Letter From Liberty Jail on this date in 1839.

U.S. Arsenal Liberty Missouri

Southern sympathizers captured the U.S. Arsenal at Liberty, MO. This created more tension at the arsenal at St. Louis and therefore was a contributing factor leading to the St. Louis Massacre.

List 7 Things Jesse James Frank 001 E 1

Frank James, the brother of Jesse James, died at his boyhood home near Liberty. Read more about him in Tales From Missouri and the Heartland.

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Missouri’s general stores of yore offered shoppers everything they needed—and a lot of what they wanted—along with a generous side serving of local news, gossip, and a few tall tales.