Lewis and Clark Camped by the Meramec River

On November 30, 1803, Lewis and Clark camped just north of the Meramec River in what is now St. Louis County.  

Route 66 Bridge Meramec River Fenton

October 26, 1925

A huge crowd turned out to dedicate the new Route 66 bridge over the Meramec at Fenton. The bottle of pre-prohibition champagne set aside for the Christening turned up missing before the ceremony.

Meramec River

October 10, 1700

A French missionary, Father Gravier, noted in his journal, "Discovered the river Mirameguoua, where the rich lead mine is situated, 12 or 13 leagues from its mouth." Today we refer to that river as the Meramec. "Meramec" (Mirameguoua) is an Osage word meaning catfish.

September 19, 1949

Plans were unveiled for damming and developing the Meramec River Valley. This began a 28-year battle to stop the plan and save the valley