


December 1 Tipton Missouri Farm 1952 Credit State Historical Society Of Missouri Jpg E1701224114894

Missouri History Today December 1, 1863: Agriculture Board Begins Advising Legislature On Policy

Ml Web Tractor 1200x500 Timothy Eberly Bc1dh6grfoy Unsplash

Three Missouri museums celebrate the iconic tractor and tell the tale of how they evolved into the high-tech behemoths that populate today’s fields. 

Rat eating corn. Adobe Stock photo

This date in Missouri history. The Audrain County Republican reported that Mr. David Crockett of Audrain County killed 341 rats in his corn cribs. Note: The writer wonder’s, “Why did he wait so long? How could he have allowed 341 rats to be living in his harvested corn?”

Cattle in pens at a stockyard.

October 17, 1917. This date in Missouri history. Search crews begin going through the rubble after the Kansas City Stockyards fire.