


Featured Native

The last tribal body of American Indians was removed from Missouri in 1837, but they would make a reappearance in the state during the Civil War. The conflicts that led to their involvement in the war began years before the first shot was fired.

Ml Mht May2 Claiborne Jackson Tombstone

Missouri Governor Claiborne Jackson makes the final decision to have state militia assemble at Camp Jackson near St. Louis. Jackson had told President Lincoln that he would not assemble troops to fight against the South.

Black and white sketch of Jesse James

“Bloody” Bill Anderson, Jesse and Frank James, Cole Younger, and other Bushwhackers took 20 Union soldiers off a train and executed them in what became known as the Centralia Massacre. Anderson’s gang was later attacked by an inexperienced Union force and more than 120 Union troops were killed in a battle outside Centralia. Missouri Life …

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