Missouri’s Third Governor is Born: February 26, 1781

Abraham J. Williams, Missouri's third governor, was born on this date in 1781.

Governor Alexander Dockery

Governor Alexander Dockery is Born: February 11, 1845

February 11, 1845, is the birthday of Alexander Dockery, Governor and Congressman from Gallatin and Chillicothe.  

Missouri Governor's Mansion. Adobe Stock photo

February 9, 1844

After breakfast, 47-year-old Missouri Gov. Thomas Reynolds shut himself inside his office in the Governor’s Mansion and shot himself in the head. He won the governor’s office in 1840. Reynolds previously stablished a successful law practice in Fayette and served as Speaker of the House. He was buried at Woodlawn Cemetery in Jefferson City.

Missouri Capitol building at night with reflection off the Missouri River.

October 16, 2000

Today in Missouri history: Gov. Mel Carnahan dies in a plane crash near Hillsboro.

Alexander McNair Missouri's First Governor

August 28, 1820

Missouri's first statewide elections were held. Alexander McNair was elected Governor. Missouri was still one year away from officially becoming a state. Read our story about Missouri's first territorial governors here.

January 22, 1827

Missouri was a state of newcomers. On this date Thomas Fletcher was born and he would go on to be our first Missouri-born Governor.

Meet Missouri’s First Governors

It all began  with the bargain of the century. A savvy deal negotiated between France and the United States more than two hundred years ago would set the stage for the first major challenge of this young nation in the New World.