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Your adventure begins at Walnut Creek Vineyard and Winery. Here you will indulge in a fantastic lunch consisting of a personal pizza, salad, dessert and a full wine tasting. Walnut Creek is dedicated to crafting premium vinifera and hybrid wines. They use grapes from Missouri, California, Washington, and Colorado farms. Every bottle of wine is …

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Missouri Life columnist, Doug Frost knows something about adding a sparkling Missouri wine to your holiday table. Read how “sparklers” came to be and why Missouri has some really good sparkling wine for you to serve at your next celebration.


As trees and flowers wake up for a new season, their fragrance fills the air. Springtime scents inspire Missouri Life’s wine expert, Doug Frost, to seek out Missouri wines with the same intensity. Discover which spring wines he recommends.

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The Norton grape being designated as Missouri’s grape flies in the face of its history and origin. Our wine columnist Doug Frost explores this robust wine and guides us to the wineries with the best Nortons, often called Cynthiana.


St. James Winery is Missouri’s largest winery, and has a number of seasonal offerings that will add something unique to your table throughout the holiday season. Their award-winning cranberry wine makes a fun and festive addition to your cocktail bar, or a beautiful centerpiece to a gift basket for family, friends, or coworkers.

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Missouri Life’s wine columnist is one of only three people in the world to achieve the two highest wine degrees. A happy little secret is that Missouri wines make better cocktail ingredients than California wines or Europe’s best.

The glasses of red wine with a colorful autumn surrounding.

Regional pride is real; I share it. I take perverse pleasure in correcting people who assume that I live in some coastal wine mecca. I often mention my experiences when I give talks around the world about the wine market.

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Springtime is a perfect opportunity to explore Missouri’s unique and beautiful wine country. Need a reason to visit? Here are seven.