


December 27 Burlington Railroad Credit Library Of Congress Jpg

Missouri History Today December 27, 1893: Bellefontaine Bluffs Railroad Bridge Passes Key Test

November 26 Mexico Missouri Via Library Of Congress

Missouri History Today November 26, 1908: Mexico Celebrates Electric Railroad Dream

September 24 St Charles Railroad Bridge Via Library Of Congress Credit John Vachon

Missouri History Today September 24, 1987: Consultant Revives State’s Fast-Track Dreams

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Rolling down the tracks to you, is our inaugural Frisco Rail Fest to be held Saturday June 15th on C-Street in the City Market (321 E Commercial Street). This event is sponsored by the C-Street Community Improvement District, Independent Printing, Sigwo Industries, and Bradley IT Services. This event is FREE! This program is to highlight …

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Hannibal St. Joseph Railroad Locomotive

According to newspaper reports from the time, the first train to arrive in St. Joseph made its inaugural run today on the Hannibal and St. Joseph railroad on this date in 1859.

September 24 St Charles Railroad Bridge Via Library Of Congress Credit John Vachon

Missouri History Today September 24, 1987: Consultant Revives State’s Fast-Track Dreams

Jan 27

On January 27, 1963, plans were made for a miniature railroad in the St. Louis Zoo. 

Missouri Railways

The first train from St. Louis reached Springfield. This took sixteen years of construction because of the interruptions due to the Civil War.

St. Charles Railroad Bridge Collapse Missouri River

A railroad bridge across the Missouri at St. Charles collapsed for the third time! Thirty one freight cars plunged into the river. It was also proving to be a hazard for steamboats.

Missouri Pacific Railroad

The first railroad locomotive to operate west of the Mississippi (named the Pacific) made its very first run on this day. It went four miles west from St. Louis to the Manchester Road.