


Vernon William Scaled 1

Hailing from Lebanon, Mo., William Tecumseh Vernon was an American educator, minister and bishop in the African Methodist Episcopal Church (A.M.E.) who served as president of the A.M.E.-sponsored Western University in Quindaro, Kansas.  He also served as Register of the United States Treasury from 1906 to 1911. In 1920, Reverend Vernon was consecrated a Bishop …

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Joel Muniz Xqxjjhk C08 Unsplash

Rev. Francis E. Clark founded the Society in his parsonage parlor in Portland, Maine in 1881. There were 57 young people present who agreed to sign the covenant Clark had created.  Its object was “to promote the earnest Christian life among its members, to increase their mutual acquaintance, and to make them more useful in …

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