


January 1 Emancipation Proclamation Credit Library Of Congress Jpg E1703893978518

Missouri History Today January 1, 1863: Emancipation Proclamation Enacted But Bypasses Missouri

2 James Milton Turner

Although many accounts of James Milton Turner’s life give his birth date as May 16, 1840, he recorded in 1871 that he was born on August 22, 1839. Either way, he was born in St. Louis County. In 1843, after he and his mother were freed, Turner was educated in secretly run schools in the …

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Dred Scott

The Dred Scott case, formally known as Dred Scott v. Sandford, was decided by the US Supreme Court on this date in 1857.

Lincoln University

Learn about the fascinating and often overlooked connection between German immigrants and African American slaves in Missouri. An upcoming symposium in Jefferson City explores this topic through lectures, a short play, and a special exhibit.

November 22 Rufus King House Via Library Of Congress

Missouri History Today November 22, 1819: Rufus King Stands Against Missouri’s Pro-Slavery Bid

November 14 American Indian Slavery Louisiana Purchase

Missouri History Today November 14, 1834: Official End of American Indian Slavery in Missouri