


Sinking Steamboat off the shore of Missouri River

The steamboat Cora sank in Bellefontaine Bend near the mouth of the Missouri.

Natchez vs. Robert E. Lee

The race between the famous riverboats Robert E. Lee and Natchez was concluded on this date when the Robert E. Lee pulled into St. Louis about seven hours ahead of the Natchez.

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The steamboat, E. A. Ogden sank in Murray’s Bend above Jefferson City.

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The Steamboat Arabia left St. Louis. It sank at Westport Landing six days later.

Grand Republic Carondelet Missouri

The largest and most lavish steamer ever to sail on an inland waterway was launched on this day. The Grand Republic was built at Carondelet. It later burned while undergoing repairs there.

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The steamboat Chariton—which previously sank at the mouth of the Gasconade and was raised, sank at Independence and was raised, blew her boiler in St. Louis killing twelve and was repaired—sank in Euphrasie Bend near Glasgow on this date.

Steamboat Constitution

The second steamboat to ever be in St. Louis arrived on this date. It was the steamboat Constitution.