F5 Tornado Missouri

The Tri-State Tornado Breaks Out: March 18, 1925

The “Tri-State Tornado” struck Missouri, Illinois and Indiana. It killed 695 people and injured more than 2,000.

Missouri History Today January 11, 2019: Record Snowfall Buries Central And Eastern Missouri

Missouri History Today January 11, 2019: Record Snowfall Buries Central And Eastern Missouri 

Missouri History Today November 11, 1911: Bizarre Great Blue Norther Weather Strikes Springfield

Missouri History Today November 11, 1911: Bizarre Great Blue Norther Weather Strikes Springfield

April 18, 1880

Known by old timers as "the day that Marshfield blew away," an F-4 tornado struck Marshfield and killed 99. 100 more were injured.

April 13, 1936

It was a warm spring day! Thermometers in Kansas City were reading 113 degrees.