April 4, 2012

The city of Kennett was attempting an alligator roundup. Two years earlier a traveling salesman sold about fifty gators in the town and the "pets" were growing larger and more dangerous.

March 23, 1903

Automobile license plates came to Missouri on this day. The same legislation set a state speed limit of nine miles per hour and required automobiles to sound a horn or a bell before passing a horse-drawn vehicle.

May 16, 1927

Runaway mules killed A.W. Bisby north of Brookfield.

May 15, 1913

A large number of federal marshals left Springfield for the wilds of Ripley and Oregon counties to break up some illicit stills. These were said to be the last in Missouri. The press releases, however, got out before the raids and they whole thing.

February 18, 1930

Elm Farm Ollie became the first cow to fly in an airplane. She took off from Bismarck, Missouri and flew to St. Louis.

Frozen Mississippi River St. Louis

January 17, 1854

The Mississippi was frozen over and a saloon keeper set up business in the middle of the river.

The Honey War Map Iowa Missouri Border

January 3, 1851

The exact northern border of Missouri was established thus ending the dispute which had led to the Honey War in 1839.

June 8, 1923

The national dance marathon was narrowing down at the St. Louis Coliseum. Eighteen-year-old Hilda Johnson dropped out after 147 hours. She got a world record and $700. Three men were still dancing. 

January 12, 1948

The law enacting the ban on married teachers was lifted though many communities continued to have a de facto rule in place.

Tony Jannus, Lemp Brewery, Beer Delivery

December 15, 1912

Tony Jannus made a historic trip on this date. He became the first person to deliver beer by airplane. He flew the bubbly cargo from St. Louis to the Mayor of New Orleans.