Captured: An exhibit about POWs

This unique exhibit delves into the stories of Prisoners of War and life behind the wire, as well as the complex relationships between the prisoners and their captors, which surprisingly generated hope on both sides.

April 6, 1917

The U.S. entered World War I on this date.

Armistice Day 1918

November 11, 1918

Today in Missouri (and world) history is Armistice Day. World War I ended today. Missouri Life proudly salutes the service of our veterans across the country.

Engineer Coat of Arms Second Missouri Division

February 21, 1891

The Second Missouri Division, US Army was formed on this date. Their famous Taney County song, Houn’Dawg, told of a loyal and protective hound.

The Magic Chef Mansion was built by Charles Stockstrom, who came to St. Louis from Germany in 1880. He made a fortune in the Quick Meal Stove Company, later renamed Magic Chef. The company was the largest stove maker in the world at one time. The mansion was completed in 1908 and modeled after the Schloss castle in Germany. The mansion is open for tours. Photo by Michael Daft.

STATE-TISTICS: October 2019

Here's the quick scoop on Germans in Missouri, by the numbers. (Years are numbers, too!)

Our History Over There

It is a quote that was credited to Woodrow Wilson, who was president of the United States for the entire duration of World War I, but the phrase actually came from the title of a 1914 book of essays from H. G. Wells.