



Annual Moberly Junk Junktion

by Missouri Life

Need more Junk? Er, Treasures? Find ‘em here.

Photo courtesy of Visit Moberly

Moberly will host its free annual Junk Junktion from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sept 17 and 18 on Reed Street, for two days this year for the first time. Last year more than 100 vendors came.  Find everything from handmade jewelry to true vintage collectibles. In addition to antiques and vintage items, you will also find food trucks, a car show organized by the Moberly High School JROTC, and the Gus Macker national 3-on-3 basketball tournament, and other elements.

Visitors can also check out a reenactment of the historical 1861 Allen Train Robbery at the Moberly Mini Train in Rothwell Park happening at 1 p.m. on Saturday. Confederate partisans rob a train of currency without a shot being fired, and the youth actors have been trained so that even the smallest children shouldn’t be frightened.

A trolley will shuttle people between the Depot District to the park. Both adults and children can also ride the train for $2.50 per person. Learn more about the annual Moberly Junk Junktion here

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