Missouri now has a statewide stay-at-home order and people are scrambling to find ways to fill their new found free time at home. We’ve created a page full of virtual ways to entertain you and your family, restaurants that are offering curbside pick-up and delivery, and ways to give back to the community. According to the order, you are still allowed to “take a walk, ride your bike, hike, fish, hunt, golf and be in nature for exercise–just keep six feet of distance between you and others.”
Below are ways you can get some fresh air—including some that were sent in to us—and make sure you are following the guidelines to keep yourself and others safe.
Hazel Creek Lake is a 530-acre lake located just four miles north of Kirksville. The lake contains muskellunge, largemouth bass, white crappie, bluegill and channel catfish. Trolling motors must be used. Gas motors may be attached to the fishing boat but only used for loading and unloading.
Thousand Hills State Park, 20431 State Highway 157, near Kirksville, has miles of hiking trails and a 573-acre lake that allows fishing, kayaking, canoeing, boating, and water skiing. The park also has fishing docks, picnic areas and playgrounds.
Spur Pond on north Osteopathy Street in Kirksville offers the unique experience of trout fishing in north Missouri. It includes a fully accessible dock and a fish cleaning station.
–Debi Boughton, Kirksville Tourism Director
We’ve turned the home page of AlpineShopBlog.com into our “Message center” to our customers. We have a video there—”Now More than Ever” that we produced earlier this week (and the accompanying message) encouraging people to try to get outdoors (in a responsible manner) in this current situation, because we truly believe it’s a way to improve all of our lives—especially right now.
We’re attempting to keep that site updated with what park systems are still open, what is closed, and places for our customers to try to improve their lives during this crazy period in our history.
–Todd Oswald, Marketing Director (& trail runner & paddler) at Alpine Shop
Golf is high on the list as you can social distance for four plus hours playing golf. The Lake of the Ozark Golf Trail and the Oaks at Margaritaville Lake Resort Golf Course is open for play.
*Disclaimer: Most courses are discouraging cart use, and it’s a good idea to retrieve balls and grab flags with covered hands and sanitize after.
–Paul Leahy, Director of Golf at Margaritaville Lake Resort Lake of the Ozarks
At Terrain, we’re all about outdoor recreation. That’s not going to change.
But at a time when it’s impossible to maintain the same carefree lifestyle we did in the good old days of a week ago, there needs to be a shift in focus. The outdoor life we all love needs to, at least in part, transition to the comfort of our own homes.
To address that need, we created this newsletter, which we’re calling “The Inside Outsider”, to share content designed to help you preserve your mental and physical well-being.
You can sign up for newsletters here.
–Terrain Magazine
Taking a walk is still allowed, too! Just make sure you give everyone in your neighborhood or on the trail enough space.
Bike Rides
Missouri is full of biking trails and it’s a great way to social distance while getting some exercise. The Katy Trail is a favorite for Missourians.
Some parks with playground equipment are being closed in Missouri, but if you decide to head to one, make sure you are hyper aware of sanitizing before and after since the equipment has been used by many. As of now, all day-use trails, and boat ramps at Missouri State Parks are open, but all campgrounds and lodging are closed until April 30.
Because of Covid-19, the Missouri Department of Conservation is temporarily waiving fishing permits until April 15 so you can get out on the water and enjoy a day outdoors
Conservation Areas
There are more than 1,000 conservation areas scattered throughout the state, and they are all still open. The Missouri Department of Conservation office buildings are closed, but the conservation areas are open to the public.