


Homes, Life

Property Prospects: Riverfront in Clarksville

by Missouri Life

Property Prospects is a series showing you fascinating homes for sale across the state of Missouri. We comb listings and stay tuned in to top property curators on the web to find one-of-a-kind homes all around the Show-Me State. Know of a home we should cover in this space? Send us a tip at [email protected]

Ever dream of settling down in a quiet town, perhaps in a historic home a stone’s throw from the Mississippi River? Maybe it’s the dream you didn’t know you had. In either case, now’s the time to realize it in this four-bedroom, one-and-a-half-bath home in Clarksville. This listing is one of the oldest in Clarksville, having been built by Hezekiah Elgin in 1845.

The home still features a number of original details thanks to only having changed ownership a handful of times in its history, and due to the restoration work done by some of its enthusiastic owners over the years. One of them, Richard Cottrell, had previously restored the home to an interpretation of what it might have looked like when it was built using his extensive collection of antiques. The home was open for tours during that time.

In fact, Richard kept a blog called My Old Historic House that chronicled his experiences maintaining and restoring the home. His blog posts, which number well over one hundred, show a great deal of detail inside the house and also contain a fascinating glimpse into the lives of its former owners. Unfortunately Richard passed away last July.

Elgin Home Clarksville

Now, the Elgin Home is listed for sale by Century 21 for $64,900. That price represents a reduction from the original listing. Original fireplaces, exposed brick, and decorative wallpaper add to the home’s allure. Did we mention it practically fronts the Mississippi River? See the complete listing here.

[H/T CheapOldHouses and GreatRiverRoad]


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