



A Pumpkin Palooza by the River

by Missouri Life

This lovely river town hosts a pumpkin palooza that will delight all with pony rides, a monkey bus, a merchants’ candy crawl, story time, Lollypop the balloon artist, costume judging, pumpkin rolling, plus concessions and vendors.

On Oct. 29, 2022, the Saturday before Halloween, visit the beautiful river town, Washington, Mo., for a grand pumpkin party! Start at the farmers’ market, then watch the giant pumpkin weigh-in and see if you can guess which one will weigh the most. Next visit the activity booths, pony rides, the monkey bus (a jungle gym on wheels), and a half-hour story time at the library, and that still leaves time for trick or treating at the merchants.

Those activities booths include an obstacle course, a craft booth, a puffy ghost craft, a “Poke a Pumpkin” activity as well as a Tic Tac Toe Toss, mask coloring, and a safety station, among others.

Photo Courtesy of Washington Chamber of Commerce

Lollipop the Balloon Artist will be creating her cute critters and other balloon art. Visit concessionaires before the pumpkin-rolling, costume judging, and bingo for a phenomenal ending to your pumpkin palooza. See the full schedule and list of activity booths here.

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