



Rost, Inc Designs a Mediterranean Landscape in Missouri

by Missouri Life

This article is presented in partnership with Rost, Inc

Rost, Inc isn’t only there for their clients during the landscaping and construction process, they are there for them during the planning process to ensure they make the best decisions for their residence and years later as well. In 2019, they worked with Jack Miller to design the outside of his Mediterranean-inspired home. 

“The initial meeting is all about listening and asking thought provoking questions rather than brainstorming ideas,” Brendan Rost, Landscape Designer at Rost, Inc says. “My goal is to put myself into their shoes and get a feel for what aesthetic appeals to them and then adapt it so it complements the home. From there, it’s creating a rough draft that accomplishes our functional goals followed by several revisions to achieve “the look”. In the end, it’s a balance of technical knowledge and artistic vision.”

Jack Miller had a grand idea for his home and Rost, Inc helped him achieve it. The outdoor greenery incorporates Russian Sage, Southern Magnolia, Hardy Hibiscus, and much more that adds that Mediterranean flair to their home. The backyard features stone steps that tie the front yard and backyard together seamlessly.

“We enjoy using large stone slabs because of the rustic aesthetic and durability,” Brendan says.

They also added landscape lighting, stone steppers, and stone edging to the inviting backyard. One of Brendan’s favorite parts of the Miller Residence’s landscape is the beautiful front walkway that welcomes you into the home. 

“It was very tricky to avoid turning it into a Wizard of Oz-esque walkway,” Brendan says. “We had to look all over the country before we found a manufacturer that could make exactly what we wanted but in the end it turned out better than I could have hoped. Also, to Jack’s credit, he came in with a very open mind and didn’t run us out of the building when we suggested a yellow brick road.”

Each step of the way, Rost, Inc is there to help their clients design their dream landscape. Hear Jack’s side of the story here.

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