May 12, 1928

Birthday of musician-composer Burt Bacharach from Kansas City. 

How to Get a Missouri Medical Marijuana Card Online in 10 Minutes

Learn how the nation’s leading cannabis telemedicine platform can help you get a Missouri medical marijuana card in minutes.

May 11, 1824

St. Regis Seminary opened. This was the first Roman Catholic institution in America to be founded for the higher education of American Indians.

May 10, 1889

Three leaders of the Bald Knobbers were hanged on this day in Forsyth. The rope broke on one and he was taken back onto the scaffold and re-hanged.…

Four Generations Later

How a St. Louis Pretzel company became a staple in the city.

Q&A: Carol and Susan McLeod

With a passion for cooking, they opened a brewery in Springfield.

May 9, 1895

The little critters in the St. Louis drinking water were identified as a type of miniature crab. The Health Commissioner said that seeing them was…

May 8, 1867

The Missouri Women's Suffrage Club was organized for the purpose of gaining the right to vote for women. It was the first organization in the world…

St. Louis arch in the Flood of '93 in St. Louis

May 7, 1974

The Gateway Arch welcomed its five-millionth visitor. It was a nine-year-old girl from Illinois. Among her special attendance prizes were a case of…

News You Can Use During COVID-19

Virtual events, ways to give back, and food and drink options all around the state.