


Life, Towns

Notley Hawkins Documents the Flooding in Mid-Missouri

by Missouri Life

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]On March 21, Governor Mike Parson declared a state of emergency in Missouri in response to worsening conditions along the Missouri and Mississippi River. The rivers continued to rise as small and large towns alike were affected. On April 29, flooding, tornadoes, and severe storms began to sweep through the state causing even more damage. The river remained well over flood stage due to rain, snowmelt, and other factors for several weeks. Multiple levees failed, inundating farmlands and communities along the river’s banks. The Katy Trail was closed in multiple places, and officials estimate that extensive repairs will be needed.

Below, photographer Notley Hawkins documents how small towns in Missouri have been affected this year by the rising flood waters.

One way Missourians looking to lend a hand can help is by visiting communities that were affected by the flooding. Many communities along the river rely on tourism as an economic driver, and simply paying a visit can go a long way. If you’re interested in donating or volunteering, here’s how you can help the victims of flooding in Missouri:

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