Lorry and Her Mom Face Reality and Don’t Like It One Bit.

Missouri Life’s longtime columnist, Lorry Myers, is facing the heartbreaking reality that her mother, Bette, is not coming home (not yet). Her columns range from gut-busting funny to heart wrenching. One thing they are for sure, is real.

Missouri Students Learn Lessons in Sustainability Visit A Green School

Some Missouri students are enjoying hands-on lessons in sustainability through a program called Missouri Green Schools. Children are excited to learn about composting, recycling, gardening, and other activities that have healthy benefits.

March 7, 2020: Covid-19 Shows Up In Show-Me State

On March 4, 1928, the Bunion Derby, an 84-day footrace along the 3,422 mile length of the new Route 66 began.  

Stay Strong, Stay Healthy Group Exercise Wins

We’re intrigued with Missouri research on how strength training in a group improved strength, balance, flexibility, social support, and even sleep for older adults. Get thee to a group!

Missouri Medical Research Breakthroughs

Missouri is known for its insistence on visible, tangible proof. And one area where you can see results is in the promising research being conducted at four Missouri medical schools: University of Missouri-Columbia (MU), Washington University (Wash U), Saint Louis University (SLU) and University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC).

7 Over 70: The Artists

In our January/February issue, we introduce our readers to seven over-70 Missourians who are healthy, happy, and living well. Two of those individuals are artists who agreed to share their work. Enjoy Shelton Ponder's one-man play, Mr. Gantt, and Madelynne Engle's colorful, exciting artwork.

Suicide Prevention in Missouri

The Missouri Institute of Mental Health has launched projects related to suicide prevention.