


Tf Logo 2

Over the span of 20 years, Columbia, Missouri has become a mandatory stop on the festival circuit, largely as a place to discover new voices and fresh expressions of the evolving creative nonfiction genre at True/False Film Fest.

Nov. 22

November 22, 1944 was the world debut of Meet Me in St. Louis. One of the biggest feature films to showcase St. Louis was released by Metro-Goldwym-Mayer. The movie featured Judy Garland and was set in St. Louis in the year before the 1904 World’s Fair. The film was nominated for four Oscars and won numerous major theatrical awards. 


Here’s everything happening in Springfield this month.

Drive In Hk 8

Since the height of their popularity, drive-ins have endured rising land prices, daylight savings time, and most recently, the end of 35mm projection— all of which have contributed to their decline.