Louisiana Territory
Missouri’s first territorial governor, James Wilkinson, (presiding over all of what was then Louisiana Territory) was removed from office on this date in 1807. Wilkinson had a checkered career to put it mildly, engaging in conspiracies and treason on multiple occasions throughout his lifetime. He had schemed to have Kentucky and Tennessee secede from the …
President Thomas Jefferson asked William Clark and Meriwether Lewis to find a route to the Pacific coast. On this day in 1804 they left from St. Charles to explore new lands from that Missouri city to the Pacific Ocean. During their journey, Lewis and Clark braved wild animals and harsh conditions. They encountered many different …
Seven years after Great Britain officially conceded Spanish ownership of the territory to the Spanish, France acquired the territory by the secret Treaty of San Ildefonso. Then in 1803, the The Louisiana Purchase land deal, between the United States and France, doubled the size of the U.S. and made the future state of Missouri part …