


Bison Hunt 2

A conversation with Chief Geoffrey M. Standing Bear of the Osage Nation, based in Pawhuska, Oklahoma

Osage River 2

A conversation with Heather Payne, Otoe-Missouria Tribe public information officer, based in Red Rock, Oklahoma.

Prairie Fire

At a time when the nations of Europe were competing for global control of trade and land, the New World offered the ideal opportunity to fill European coffers and expand their empires. The only problem was that someone already lived here.

Dizzy Dean

It was “Dizzy Dean Week” in St. Louis in celebration of the movie The Pride of St. Louis. Dizzy was in town for the week and said he didn’t care if it wasn’t exactly accurate.


Missouri is defined by its small towns as much as anything else. Between our state’s two great metropolises lies our state’s heart—where tiny towns populate great plains and small communities dot the rugged landscape of the Ozark hollows. Some sit high above the Missouri on great river bluffs; some are tucked away in the woods. 

Ella Kate

It’s no wonder that a writer like Kate would be drawn to the story of Ella Kate, the “Missouri Giantess.” Born in LaGrange in 1872, Ella stood eight-feet-four inches when fully grown and wore size 24 shoes.

Kc Wwipoppies 1

It is a quote that was credited to Woodrow Wilson, who was president of the United States for the entire duration of World War I, but the phrase actually came from the title of a 1914 book of essays from H. G. Wells.

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With more than 6,400 recorded caves, including twenty show caves that are open to the public for guided tours, enthusiasts around the United States know Missouri for its many caverns.