Missouri’s Native Fruits
Missouri's native fruits are starting to ripen, which means now is the perfect time for foragers to start keeping an eye out for pawpaws, elderberries, wild grapes, wild plums, and persimmons. These delicious treats can be found across the entire state.
Go Wild! Grow Native!
If you love gardening, you’ll love this plant sale, where five vendors will share all the reasons to prefer native plants, which are easier to care for and better for songbirds, pollinators, and the planet. Meet the native plant growers here.
Grow Green with pure air native plants
Pure Air Natives has been supplying Missouri and adjacent states with high-quality native seed and plant material for more than 25 years. The Pure Air Natives team has worked with farmers, recreational landowners, developers, architects, engineers, landscape architects, owners and enthusiasts on projects across the Midwest.
Here’s Our Guide to Growing Native Plants
By landscaping with native Missouri plants, gardeners with the palest of green thumbs can enjoy such views just like the pros, all while knowing they’ve done their part to nurture complex ecosystems.
Persimmons: Missouri’s Finest Fruit
Part native fruit and part pioneer weather forecaster, the American persimmon ripens this month around the state.