


Sunset from Bell Mountain

Bell Mountain offers a 12-mile loop with 1,683 feet of elevation change, respectable for the Midwest. Bell Mountain also offers something that you can’t get anywhere else in the country: the chance to see, in person, the result of more than one billion years of geologic time playing out.

Nightime view of lake house in Bass River Resort

Bass River Resort has been family-run for more than 50 years, going back to when Robert Bass founded a small canoe rental on the Courtois Creek. Since then, it’s grown into an Ozark destination in its own right. Here are just 7 of the ways to make the most of summer weather at Bass River Resort.

Ozark Empire Fair

Greene County held its first of many fairs. The Southwest Missouri Fair lasted three days and drew people from many surrounding counties. Many visitors stayed for the entire event and brought tents for the evenings. Some even brought their servants. Today the event is called the Ozark Empire Fair.

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Bunker Hill Retreat has been around for more than 70 years, but few people know about it. Hiding in plain sight, the resort on the Jacks Fork River is one of those places you hesitate to tell others about because you want to keep it for yourself.

Fisherman Campground3 Area Roaring River Sp 0199

Here’s our guide to Missouri campsites for summer 2018. Where are you pitching a tent this summer?


[vc_row][vc_column column_width_percent=”80″ overlay_alpha=”50″ gutter_size=”3″ medium_width=”0″ mobile_width=”0″ shift_x=”0″ shift_y=”0″ shift_y_down=”0″ z_index=”0″ width=”1/1″][vc_column_text] The rain started on the eve of the weekend, harmless. Seven inches later, the Big Piney River swelled. When the rain stopped, residents of Devils Elbow sighed with relief. In other parts of the state on that last weekend of April 2017, some ninety-three …

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The Ozarks and Missouri River wilderness regions are particularly captivating. One of the best ways to experience hidden bluffs, elusive creeks, and historic cabins is by horseback.

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After some investigating, I found Karen Daniels, senior historic preservation specialist for the Missouri Department of Transportation. She’s the expert on the state’s roadside parks.