August 11, 1866

The Missouri Historical Society was established in St. Louis.

August 9, 1834

The road from St. Louis to St. Charles was declared a public road on this date. It was laid out in 1772. In 1865 it was improved with a rock surface and has been known as St. Charles Rock Road ever since.

Sara Teasdale

August 8, 1884

Sara Teasdale, St. Louis poet, was born on this date.

August 1, 1854

St. Louis purchased its first steam-powered fire engine.

July 25, 1903

Semple Scott of St. Louis was granted permission to rent small electric cars similar to two-seat golf carts for getting around the World's Fair. They were called Electric Autochairs.

Henry Shaw of St. Louis

July 24, 1800

Birthday of Henry Shaw who spent most of his adult life trying to find ways to give millions of his dollars to benefit St. Louis.  He is most famous for starting the Missouri Botanical Gardens and donating Tower Grove Park, the largest Victorian park in America.

July 16, 1772

Joseph Charless was born this day in Ireland. Meriwether Lewis (pictured) brought him to St. Louis where he became the first newspaper publisher in the west.

steak and beans and pickles at the City Butcher

Missouri’s Best BBQ Joints

These savants of the smoker are dishing up barbecue heaven all summer long.

July 13, 1956

Birthday of boxing champ, Michael Spinks, from St. Louis. (Brother of Leon Spinks.)