Walt Disney Marceline Missouri

March 16, 1964

Walt Disney announced plans to open an entertainment complex back in his home state. He wanted to open it on the St. Louis Riverfront. Gussie Busch insisted that he sell beer there but Disney said no. A short time later Disney announced plans for a complex in Orlando. 

March 15, 1807

This was the birthdate of Luther Kennett who became Mayor of St. Louis. When the cholera epidemic hit, he is the one who established a quarantine island in the Mississippi and wouldn't let people into the city until they had been cleared by medical staff. 

March 14, 1871

Barton County Missouri filed a lawsuit against Wyatt Earp claiming that he did not surrender the tax money and fees he had collected for local schools.

March 13, 1861

Nathaniel Lyon took command of the St. Louis Arsenal on this day.

March 12, 1815

Our 14th Governor, Robert M. Stewart was born on this date. It is said that he rode his horse into the Governor's Mansion and fed it oats from the furniture. He was also famous for being on his "toots" with alcohol and sometimes hard to find. His main political skill was an ability to come down on both sides of any argument.

The Castle at Ha Ha Tonka State Park

March 10, 1852

Birthday of Robert McClure Snyder, a grocer from St. Louis who made millions in Kansas City with gas and other enterprises. Snyder brought Scottish stone masons to Missouri to build the castle at Ha Ha Tonka. Read more about Ha Ha Tonka in Tales From Missouri and the Heartland.

March 9, 1872

Birthday of The Missouri Giantess, Ella Ewing. Ella was considered the world's tallest female of her era. She used her great height to earn a living as a sideshow attraction. Born a normal size in La Grange, she grew to a height that is in dispute. Her mother said that the last measurement she took was 8 feet, 4 inches.

Bellefontaine Cemetery St. Louis MO

March 7, 1849

Many of Missouri's most important pioneers and leaders are buried in the Bellefontaine Cemetery, which was started on this date.

St. Louis Cardinals Numbered Jerseys

March 6, 1923

The cardinals came up with a new idea. Players would begin wearing numbers on their uniforms.