


Missouri History Today

Missouri History Today November 6, 1913: St. Joseph Observer Highlights Suffrage and Prohibition Defeats

by Missouri Life

The front page of the St. Joseph Observer presents highlights from that week’s elections. A subheadline proclaimed, “Woman’s Suffrage Slaughtered.” The corresponding article described the defeat of a measure that would have enabled women to vote and another – championed by William Jennings Bryan – that would have prohibited the sale of alcohol. “The defeat of both was decisive,” the paper noted. In the picture is Edith Barriger, who served as state chairman of Missouri for Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage. The photo dates to about 1914. Read about the Top Women in Missouri’s history here. 

Photo credit: Harris & Ewing, W. (ca. 1914) Mrs. Edith Barriger, state chairman of Missouri for Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage; member advisory council National Woman’s Party. United States St. Louis Missouri, ca. 1914. [to 1917] [Photograph] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,