



Prairie Blazing Star: Restoring tallgrass prairie

by Missouri Life

Photo essay highlights company’s ambitious plan

Prairie Blazing Star Liatris Pycnostachya is a tall, bright purple, perennial flower, native to Missouri’s tallgrass prairies. Pre-settlement, a third of Missouri was covered in tallgrass prairie. Now less than one percent of the original prairie is left. These scenes were captured on a private farm west of Kirksville to illustrate the initiative Roeslein Alternative Energy is leading to restore 30 million acres of prairie in the next 30 years.

Prairies provide habitat for birds and hundreds of pollinating insects, many of which are essential for food crop pollination. Prairie root systems sequester significant amounts of carbon which is beneficial in fighting the effects of climate change.

These deep root systems collect rainwater, slow runoff, and filter pollutants. In addition to ecological benefits, prairie biomass can be sustainably harvested and used to create renewable energy.

Learn more about how Roeslein Alternative Energy plans to lead the restoration of 30 million acres of prairie in the next 30 years.

—Photos by Adam Voight, Roeslein Alternative Energy

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