Explore Nightlife Spots For Painters, Dog Lovers, Gamers, and More

Whether your tastes run to enjoying a beer while you play fetch with Fido, sipping wine while you paint, or nursing a Donkey Kong cocktail during a pinball match, welcome to a whole new world of entertaining nightlife.

Joplin Gets an Independent Movie Theater

The atmosphere was the perfect fit for the vision Holly and Bradley had for an independent movie theater in Joplin. On April 13, they opened Bookhouse Cinema at 715 East Broadway. The theater exhibits film series based on classic masterpieces and runs special features highlighting the Cranes’ favorite directors.

Dog Days

Undoubtedly, 1904 was a big year for the hot dog. Its most famous topping, French’s yellow mustard, and the hot dog itself were both exposed to the masses at the World’s Fair in St. Louis. New York can claim French’s as its own, but the biggest hot dog purveyor at the fair was a Missourian.

Heartland Canines for Veterans

This Joplin Group Gets Service Dogs For Veterans With PTSD

Sometimes the best medicine has four paws and a collar. Heartland Canines for Veterans is a Joplin-based not-for-profit organization that provides service dogs to veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder and other disabilities at no cost to the veteran.