Strictly Scandinavian

At Krokstrom, owner and chef Katee McLean has staked a Scandinavian niche. Her restaurant honors her great-great- great-grandfather Anders Gustaf Krokstrom, who came to the United States in the 1860s.

Steamboat Arabia

September 5, 1856

The steamboat Arabia sank at Westport Landing. It has been raised and is now a wonderful museum. 

Learn to Throw an Axe in Kansas City

Taking the outdoors to the West Bottoms, two entrepreneurs have brought urban axe throwing to Kansas City. Blade & Timber founders Matt Baysinger and Ryan Henrich got their start in the escape room business with Breakout KC.

Don’t Miss Your Last Chance to See The Elders

This year marks the band’s 20th anniversary of playing together, but the members of the powerhouse Irish/ Celtic band recently announced that 2018 will be the last year they plan to perform together—at least for the foreseeable future.

From Graffiti to Murals For Children

A Kansas City graffiti artist applies his skills to a mural for Mercy Children's Hospital.

January 26, 1940

The 9:00 AM premier of Gone With the Wind at the Midland in downtown Kansas City caused "a magnificent traffic jam."

7 Olde Style Taverns

Put your money in your shoe and saddle your horse. It’s time for a pint.

November 23, 1867

It was reported that New Yorkers in Kansas City hotels were hoping to eat some buffalo meat. One hotel restaurant served them roast pork and, thinking it was buffalo, they went away happy.