


Wappapello Fishermansunset 0034 Dnrflickr 1

Lake Wappapello is named for a small Wayne County railroad town named Wappapello, reportedly after a friendly Shawnee chief who hunted the area during early pioneer times. Today, Lake Wappapello State Park offers a relaxing hideaway.

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Many of Missouri’s smaller lakes rival the pleasures of our bigger, better-known lakes. Whether you favor a city setting or a country escape, you’re sure to find something that strikes your fancy. These are just a few standouts.

A sport boat on Lake of the Ozarks

Dip, dunk, drive, or drop a line in these idyllic Missouri waters.

Bootheel Cotton Field

The Bootheel is influenced more by Memphis than by St. Louis, and the area definitely is a member in good standing of the Old South. Stuck like a hatchet in the forehead of Arkansas, the Bootheel and its people, for the most part, feel alienated from the rest of Missouri.