Dubious theater owners didn’t think people wanted to see a movie about space and robots. Boy, were they wrong! Only the Creve Coeur Cine saw the potential of the light saber legend-in-the-making. The Star Wars franchise would become an epic entertainment empire spawning sequels, legions of “force be with you” fans, merch, and more that …
Rev. Francis E. Clark founded the Society in his parsonage parlor in Portland, Maine in 1881. There were 57 young people present who agreed to sign the covenant Clark had created. Its object was “to promote the earnest Christian life among its members, to increase their mutual acquaintance, and to make them more useful in …
Even though the series was set at the Lake, it wasn’t filmed there—or even in Missouri! Instead, was shot in Atlanta, Georgia, around the Lake Allatoona and Lake Lanier area. That filming location was chosen for tax incentives. After the southern state lost the production for Ray, a biopic on soul musician and Georgia native …
In the 2009 movie The Hangover, Mike Tyson appeared fairly extensively. In The Hangover II, Ed Helms’ character wakes up after a drunken night in Bangkok inked with the same tribal tattoo Tyson has around his left eye. After seeing the movie’s ads and trailer, Tyson’s tattoo artist S. Victor Whitmill filed a lawsuit against …
Lakota Coffee Ride Pedego Electric Bikes teamed up with Lakota Coffee to host early morning coffee rides on the MKT Trail on December 4, 11, and 18. Meet at Pedego Electric Bikes for free coffee and snacks. The rides begin at 9:30 AM, and E-Bikes and helmets will be provided by Pedego Electric Bikes. Email …
I’ve scoured the web and walked the streets of downtown Columbia to find out what big things are happening in CoMo this month. Here are some up and coming events to look forward to. Columbia Art League, ColumbiaArtLeague.org On July 28, the Monochrome exhibit begins at Columbia Art League. Each artist will use one color …
The atmosphere was the perfect fit for the vision Holly and Bradley had for an independent movie theater in Joplin. On April 13, they opened Bookhouse Cinema at 715 East Broadway. The theater exhibits film series based on classic masterpieces and runs special features highlighting the Cranes’ favorite directors.