May 18, 1785

Birthday of Missouri's first Congressman, John Scott from Ste. Genevieve. A brilliant lawyer and debater, Mr. Scott did have a temper. One morning he challenged five different men to duels.

McDonald County

Divided We Stand

Walker introduced a resolution in the Missouri General Assembly ordering the Highway Department to withdraw the offending, taxpayer-funded maps. He called the omission of the county “serious and extremely detrimental.” But the resolution was shuffled into the House Committee on Miscellaneous Affairs, where legal nuisances were often smothered.

Teachers With Guns

Protection. Deterrence. Mitigation. That’s what Daisy, an elementary school teacher, and ten fellow Missouri public school employees studied in West Plains on June 9-13 at Shield Solutions’ School Employee Firearm Training Program, or SEFTP. The course teaches educators to be “gunfighters”—as Shield instructors call them—who will carry and employ concealed handguns to counter a lethal threat at their schools.

May 4, 1910

President Taft didn’t want to offend either set of fans so, on this day, he attended part of the Cardinals game at Robison Field then scooted over to Sportsman’s Park for the rest of the Browns game.