Have you heard of Goat Yoga? Somehow, yoga amongst the vines seems a bit more enticing.

Grape vines at The Elms
Photo courtesy of The Elms

Enjoy a weekend with yoga and wine by attending Yoga in the Vines on Saturday, September 10th, in Excelsior Springs. You can stay and relax at a spa or pool afternoon at The Elms with their modern take on a Roman bathhouse, The Grotto. The spa features a dry sauna, steam sauna, hot tub, cold plunge shower, steam shower, and an exfoliation and mud bar. Or simply chill by the pool. Yoga in the Vines’ guests receive a 10% discount for spa services, too! 

Then at 4:30 p.m., you will depart from the hotel to Fence Stile Vineyards, where an instructor leads a gentle flow yoga session from The Elms. After a one-hour yoga session, you will taste the vineyards’ wine and vegetarian bites during a sound healing session.

Finally, at 7 p.m., you will return to The Elms for a private three-course dinner featuring locally sourced ingredients and seasonal produce grown in The Elms’ personal garden and paired with complementary wines during each course at the hotel’s restaurant, Three Owls. 

 Space is limited. Get your tickets now before it’s too late so you can have a weekend with yoga and wine. Reserve your tickets here for $168 per person. Reservations do not include the room. Please call 816-629-2521 if you have questions.

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