May 17, 1867

The Missouri Press Association was organized on this date.

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May 16, 1840

This was the birthday for James Milton Turner, a slave who went on to establish schools for blacks across the state. He was named by Grant as the first African-American to be an…

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May 14, 1804

The Lewis and Clark Expedition (the Voyage of Discovery) left St. Louis to explore the unknown west.  

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May 13, 1946

St. Louis became the first city in the nation to offer telephones in your car. A radio telephone was available for fifteen dollars a month.  

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May 12, 1846

The Donner Party left Independence on this day headed for California. A phony map and bad advice left them stranded in the Sierra Nevada Mountains in winter where they resorted to…

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May 11, 1940

"Meeting of the Waters," the beautiful fountain across from Union Station in St. Louis was dedicated on this day. It was controversial at the time because of the nude figures.

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