January 24, 1903

A shootout occurred in Union, Missouri following the robbing of the Union Bank. A posse of citizens followed the robbers on horseback, and Pinkerton detectives and doctors were…

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January 23, 1887

William Greenleaf Eliot died on this day. He was a co-founder of Eliot Seminary which became Washington University. He was the grandfather of St. Louis author, T.S. Eliot.

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January 19, 1965

Un-manned Gemini spacecraft (built in St. Louis) orbited earth and was successfully recovered.

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January 12, 1948

The law enacting the ban on married teachers was lifted though many communities continued to have a de facto rule in place.

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Farm to Table with Wayne Vanderwert

Wayne Vanderwert took up cooking for a simple reason. "I like to eat," he says.

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December 25, 1934

About 68,000 Depression Era poor were fed a free Christmas meal at the Kiel Auditorium in St. Louis.

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December 15, 1912

Tony Jannus made a historic trip on this date. He became the first person to deliver beer by airplane. He flew the bubbly cargo from St. Louis to the Mayor of New Orleans.

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Experiences You Can Gift: Cheese, Soap, and Lotion Making

Sandi and Keith Bentz keep 22 head of Texas Longhorn cattle at Heaven on Earth Ranch, where they offer classes such as cheese making.

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November 23, 1867

It was reported that New Yorkers in Kansas City hotels were hoping to eat some buffalo meat. One hotel restaurant served them roast pork and, thinking it was buffalo, they went…

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November 10, 1911

A flock of 200 turkeys were driven into Mountain Grove by G. W. Pool and one or two helpers. They were raised on Mr. Pool's place near Manes, 23 or 24 miles away.

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