


Life, Missouri History Today

Missouri History Today June 13, 1856: The first newspaper in Franklin County was published.

by Missouri Life

Washington’s first newspaper, the bilingual Franklin Courier, launched a tradition of German journalism and signaled the community’s growing importance as a center of German culture. 

Adelbert Baudissin, editor and proprietor, was a former count from Holstein who was among those who fled Germany after the 1848 uprising.

The courier was printed on Fridays in German and in English.  

This post was contributed by Ross Malone. A historian and a retired school teacher, Ross has authored many books about Missouri’s history, weird facts, and folk tales. He has also written children’s historical fiction. Visit his website, and buy his books in the Missouri Life store.

Photo credit: [Missouri Postcard Collection, P0032. P0032-Washington-003.jpg.], The State Historical Society of Missouri, Photograph Collection.