A weather event unprecedented in modern history happened on this date as a Canadian high-pressure system arrived in Missouri via Rockies. Temperatures in Springfield fell from 80 degrees to 13 degrees within a day. According to an account provided to the National Weather Service: “Rain, hail, sleet, and snow fell within a period of less than 2 hours, and a moderate electric storm commenced after the temperature had fallen to below freezing and more than an hour after the wind had shifted.” The event, which happened across multiple states, has become known as the Great Blue Norther. The pictured snow print isn’t specific to Missouri yet brings to mind the chill residents must have felt back on Nov. 11, 1911.

Photo credit: L. Prang & Co, P., L. Prang & Co, C. C. & Harlow, L. K. (1888) Snow bound / Louis K. Harlow. , 1888. [Boston, U.S.A.: Published by L. Prang & Co., Boston, U.S.A] [Photograph] Retrieved from the Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/item/2017650243/.