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Missourians love their coff ee now as much as they did hundreds of years ago when the French first brought coff ee to the shores of the Mississippi River. Indie co ffee shops, boutique roasters, national brands, and regional roasters are pleasing customers all over the state.

2018 07 20 3

Get in on what we’ve known all along. Kansas City is a city of champions.


Top photo by Evan Henningsen  A juicy, seasoned patty of beef wedged between cool, crisp leaves of lettuce with freshly sliced tomato … the classic American hamburger is a customer favorite that’s prominent on restaurant menus everywhere. But there are myriad ways to prepare and eat a burger, and somebody is always adding something new. …

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At Krokstrom, owner and chef Katee McLean has staked a Scandinavian niche. Her restaurant honors her great-great- great-grandfather Anders Gustaf Krokstrom, who came to the United States in the 1860s.

Steamboat Arabia

The steamboat Arabia sank at Westport Landing. It has been raised and is now a wonderful museum. 

Blade Timber Kc Ax Throwing Tarashupephotography 053 3 E1532630882675

Taking the outdoors to the West Bottoms, two entrepreneurs have brought urban axe throwing to Kansas City. Blade & Timber founders Matt Baysinger and Ryan Henrich got their start in the escape room business with Breakout KC.

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This year marks the band’s 20th anniversary of playing together, but the members of the powerhouse Irish/ Celtic band recently announced that 2018 will be the last year they plan to perform together—at least for the foreseeable future.


This article is sponsored by Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art When you walk into the front door of Kansas City’s Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art on Warwick Boulevard, right away you’ll see something you’ve never seen before. That’s because the museum commissions artists to create pieces for their atrium that are totally unique and site …

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A Kansas City graffiti artist applies his skills to a mural for Mercy Children’s Hospital.

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The 9:00 AM premier of Gone With the Wind at the Midland in downtown Kansas City caused “a magnificent traffic jam.”

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Put your money in your shoe and saddle your horse. It’s time for a pint.

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It was reported that New Yorkers in Kansas City hotels were hoping to eat some buffalo meat. One hotel restaurant served them roast pork and, thinking it was buffalo, they went away happy.

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We asked a handful of experts where to turn for the state’s best BBQ in Kansas City, St. Louis, and in between.

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Missouri Life Magazine publishes articles relating to Missouri culture, subscribe today. See the beautiful work of Picasso in Kansas City

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The Rock Island Trail, connecting the greater Kansas City area to Missouri’s Katy Trail system, is an experience to savor whether you are walking, cycling, or on horseback.

Kansas City Paseo Massacre

Three policemen and one bystander were killed in what came to be known as Kansas City’s Paseo Massacre.  

Kansas City Star Office

The Kansas City Star was established and published its first edition. 

Broadway Bridge Kansas City

The Broadway Bridge, which crosses the Missouri River, opened in Kansas City. 


Undoubtedly, 1904 was a big year for the hot dog. Its most famous topping, French’s yellow mustard, and the hot dog itself were both exposed to the masses at the World’s Fair in St. Louis. New York can claim French’s as its own, but the biggest hot dog purveyor at the fair was a Missourian.

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It is a quote that was credited to Woodrow Wilson, who was president of the United States for the entire duration of World War I, but the phrase actually came from the title of a 1914 book of essays from H. G. Wells.